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Energy integration

NSTA analysis shows the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) can make a major contribution to net zero. Oil and gas infrastructure and capabilities can be leveraged for CCS, offshore wind deployment, and hydrogen transport and storage.

Carbon capture and storage

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is critical to the UK achieving net zero – government aims to capture and store 20-30 million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2030 and over 50 million tonnes/yr by 2035.

Carbon Emissions Intensity Analysis

Benchmarking industry performance continues to play a significant role in driving industry improvements, and the NSTA has, since 2020, introduced benchmarking of performance to track progress towards net zero.

NSTA ESG Taskforce

The NSTA set up a cross industry/investor and lender ESG taskforce in 2020 when it was clear from investor/lender engagement - itself under pressure to support low-carbon business - that there was a gap between investor expectations and what was actually being reported by industry.